Cara Upload dan Download File di Google Drive dengan Terminal Linux
Cara Upload dan Download File di Google Drive dengan Terminal Linux - Google Drive merupakan salahsatu penyimpanan file cloud yang cukup populer. Namun sayangnya tidak ada client resmi yang tersedia di Linux sehingga kita bisa memanajemen file di akun Google Drive kita dengan terminal linux. Beruntung disini ada salahsatu project di GitHub yang sangat berguna untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
Gdrive yang dikembangkan oleh Petter Rasmussen adalah tool yang ditujukan untuk manajemen file maupun folder di Google Drive.
Pertama, download file yang sudah dicompile melalui alamat berikut:Ada banyak link download yang disediakan. Silahkan pilih yang paling sesuai. Disini saya pilih gdrive-linux-x64 karena itu yang sesuai dengan sistem yang saya pakai.
wget "" -O gdrive
Beri hak akses eksekusi lalu install ke direktori /bin.
chmod +x gdrive
sudo install gdrive /usr/local/bin/gdrive
Selanjutnya, kita jalankan salahsatu perintah untuk inisialisasi agar kita bisa menghubungkan akun Google Drive kita dengan tool gdrive.
gdrive list
Copy url tersebut ke browser lalu login dengan akun Google kalian untuk mendapatkan kode verifikasinya.
Selanjutnya masukkan kode tersebut ke terminal.
Berikut perintah yang dapat digunakan di tool gdrive.
yuyudhn@linuxsec:~$ gdrive help
gdrive usage:
gdrive [global] list [options] List files
gdrive [global] download [options] <fileId> Download file or directory
gdrive [global] download query [options] <query> Download all files and directories matching query
gdrive [global] upload [options] <path> Upload file or directory
gdrive [global] upload - [options] <name> Upload file from stdin
gdrive [global] update [options] <fileId> <path> Update file, this creates a new revision of the file
gdrive [global] info [options] <fileId> Show file info
gdrive [global] mkdir [options] <name> Create directory
gdrive [global] share [options] <fileId> Share file or directory
gdrive [global] share list <fileId> List files permissions
gdrive [global] share revoke <fileId> <permissionId> Revoke permission
gdrive [global] delete [options] <fileId> Delete file or directory
gdrive [global] sync list [options] List all syncable directories on drive
gdrive [global] sync content [options] <fileId> List content of syncable directory
gdrive [global] sync download [options] <fileId> <path> Sync drive directory to local directory
gdrive [global] sync upload [options] <path> <fileId> Sync local directory to drive
gdrive [global] changes [options] List file changes
gdrive [global] revision list [options] <fileId> List file revisions
gdrive [global] revision download [options] <fileId> <revId> Download revision
gdrive [global] revision delete <fileId> <revId> Delete file revision
gdrive [global] import [options] <path> Upload and convert file to a google document, see 'about import' for available conversions
gdrive [global] export [options] <fileId> Export a google document
gdrive [global] about [options] Google drive metadata, quota usage
gdrive [global] about import Show supported import formats
gdrive [global] about export Show supported export formats
gdrive version Print application version
gdrive help Print help
gdrive help <command> Print command help
gdrive help <command> <subcommand> Print subcommand help
yuyudhn@linuxsec:~$ gdrive help list
List files
gdrive [global] list [options]
-c, --config <configDir> Application path, default: /home/yuyudhn/.gdrive
--refresh-token <refreshToken> Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
--access-token <accessToken> Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
-m, --max <maxFiles> Max files to list, default: 30
-q, --query <query> Default query: "trashed = false and 'me' in owners". See
--order <sortOrder> Sort order. See
--name-width <nameWidth> Width of name column, default: 40, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width
--absolute Show absolute path to file (will only show path from first parent)
--no-header Dont print the header
--bytes Size in bytes
Download File atau Direktori
yuyudhn@linuxsec:~$ gdrive help download
Download file or directory
gdrive [global] download [options] <fileId>
-c, --config <configDir> Application path, default: /home/yuyudhn/.gdrive
--refresh-token <refreshToken> Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
--access-token <accessToken> Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
-f, --force Overwrite existing file
-r, --recursive Download directory recursively, documents will be skipped
--path <path> Download path
--delete Delete remote file when download is successful
--no-progress Hide progress
--stdout Write file content to stdout
--timeout <timeout> Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300
Upload File maupun Direktori
yuyudhn@linuxsec:~$ gdrive help upload
Upload file or directory
gdrive [global] upload [options] <path>
-c, --config <configDir> Application path, default: /home/yuyudhn/.gdrive
--refresh-token <refreshToken> Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)
--access-token <accessToken> Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)
-r, --recursive Upload directory recursively
-p, --parent <parent> Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents
--name <name> Filename
--no-progress Hide progress
--mime <mime> Force mime type
--share Share file
--delete Delete local file when upload is successful
--timeout <timeout> Set timeout in seconds, use 0 for no timeout. Timeout is reached when no data is transferred in set amount of seconds, default: 300
--chunksize <chunksize> Set chunk size in bytes, default: 8388608
gdrive upload -p 1iz05iBM8xI6fEVRycs55jaaq90zfHRqJ adalah nama file yang diupload, sementara 1iz05iBM8xI6fEVRycs55jaaq90zfHRqJ adalah nama folder Google Drive yang kita gunakan untuk meletakan file upload. dan opsi --delete adalah untuk menghapus file di lokal ketika proses upload selesai.
Untuk perintah lain bisa kalian cek sendiri menggunakan perintah help.