Enumerasi Subdomain menggunakan Bantuan Turbolist3r

Turbolist3r — Tool Subdomain Enumeration dengan Fitur Lengkap dan Powerfull. Jika kalian adalah seorang bug hunter ataupun pentester dan pernah mencoba sublist3r, maka sekarang kalian juga harus mencoba Turbolist3r. Turbolist3r sendiri merupakan tool yang dikembangkan dari Sublist3r oleh Carl Pearson (fleetcaptain).

Tool ini dapat digunakan untuk melakukan enumerasi subdomain dari situs target. Tentunya akan sangat berguna saat kalian sedang melakukan recon. Berikut beberapa perintah yang dapat digunakan:
Short Form Long Form Description
-d --domain Domain name to enumerate subdomains of
-b --bruteforce Enable the subbrute bruteforce module
-p --ports Scan the found subdomains against specific tcp ports
-v --verbose Enable the verbose mode and display results in realtime
-t --threads Number of threads to use for subbrute bruteforce
-e --engines Specify a comma-separated list of search engines
-o --output Save discovered domain names to specified text file
-h --help show the help message and exit
-a --analyze Do reverse DNS analysis and output results
(none) --saverdns Save reverse DNS analysis to specified file
(none) --inputfile Read domains from specified file, and use them for analysis
(none) --debug Print debug information during the analysis module (-a).
-r --resolvers File with DNS servers to populate as resolvers.
Agar dapat berjalan sempurna, tool ini membutuhkan dependensi modul python berikut

  • dnslib
  • requests
  • dnspython
  • argparse

Tapi kalian bisa langsung menginstallnya saat mengclone tool ini dari repository GitHub mereka.
Cara Install
git clone https://github.com/fleetcaptain/Turbolist3r
cd Turbolist3r
pip install -r requirements.txt
python turbolist3r.py
Contoh penggunaan
yuyudhn@YuzurihaInori:~/tools/Turbolist3r$ python turbolist3r.py -d linuxsec.org

           _____            _           _ _     _   _____
          |_   _|_   _ _ __| |__  ____ | (_)___| |_|___ / _ __
            | | | | | | `__|  _ \/    \| | / __| __| |_ \| '__|
            | | | \_| | |  | |_) | () || | \__ \ |_ ___) | |
            |_|  \____|_|  |_.__/\____/|_|_|___/\__|____/|_|

          # Based on Sublist3r by Ahmed Aboul-Ela - @aboul3la
          # Forked by Carl Pearson - github.com/fleetcaptain

[-] Enumerating subdomains now for linuxsec.org
[-] Searching now in Baidu..
[-] Searching now in Yahoo..
[-] Searching now in Google..
[-] Searching now in Bing..
[-] Searching now in Ask..
[-] Searching now in Netcraft..
[-] Searching now in DNSdumpster..
[-] Searching now in Virustotal..
[-] Searching now in ThreatCrowd..
[-] Searching now in SSL Certificates..
[-] Searching now in PassiveDNS..
[-] Total Unique Subdomains Found: 13

Untuk fitur fitur lain bisa kalian coba sendiri.

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