Scraping Data dari Twitter menggunakan Twint
Scraping Data dari Twitter menggunakan Twint. Para penggiat OSINT biasanya memanfaatkan situs atau media populer untuk mengumpulkan data mentah dalam mencari informasi dari suatu target. Salahsatu situs sosial media yang menjadi target para pemain OSINT adalah Twitter, dimana situs tersebut memiliki banyak pengguna yang berarti juga banyak informasi yang bisa diolah disana.
Namun mengoleksi data mentah dari jutaan twit di Twitter mungkin sesuatu yang sulit dilakukan secara manual. Nah, salahsatu tool OSINT yang dapat membantu adalah Twint. Tool open source berbahasa Python ini bisa digunakan untuk melakukan scraping data dari Twitter, dengan filter yang kita sesuaikan sendiri.
Twint juga bisa digunakan sebagai modul atau library dalam script kita, yangmana pencarian data mungkin akan menjadi lebih kompleks lagi nantinya.
Untuk instalasi Twint juga cukup mudah.
git clone --depth=1
cd twint
python3 -m pip install . -r requirements.txt
Menggunakan Twint
Setelah proses instalasi selesai, kalian bisa cek parameter atau flag apa saja yang bisa digunakan di Twint.
twint -h
[asuka@evangelion ~]$ twint -h usage: python3 twint [options] TWINT - An Advanced Twitter Scraping Tool. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME User's Tweets you want to scrape. -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH Search for Tweets containing this word or phrase. -g GEO, --geo GEO Search for geocoded Tweets. --near NEAR Near a specified city. --location Show user's location (Experimental). -l LANG, --lang LANG Search for Tweets in a specific language. -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Save output to a file. -es ELASTICSEARCH, --elasticsearch ELASTICSEARCH Index to Elasticsearch. --year YEAR Filter Tweets before specified year. --since DATE Filter Tweets sent since date (Example: "2017-12-27 20:30:15" or 2017-12-27). --until DATE Filter Tweets sent until date (Example: "2017-12-27 20:30:15" or 2017-12-27). --email Filter Tweets that might have email addresses --phone Filter Tweets that might have phone numbers --verified Display Tweets only from verified users (Use with -s). --csv Write as .csv file. --json Write as .json file --hashtags Output hashtags in seperate column. --cashtags Output cashtags in seperate column. --userid USERID Twitter user id. --limit LIMIT Number of Tweets to pull (Increments of 20). --count Display number of Tweets scraped at the end of session. --stats Show number of replies, retweets, and likes. -db DATABASE, --database DATABASE Store Tweets in a sqlite3 database. --to USERNAME Search Tweets to a user. --all USERNAME Search all Tweets associated with a user. --followers Scrape a person's followers. --following Scrape a person's follows --favorites Scrape Tweets a user has liked. --proxy-type PROXY_TYPE Socks5, HTTP, etc. --proxy-host PROXY_HOST Proxy hostname or IP. --proxy-port PROXY_PORT The port of the proxy server. --tor-control-port TOR_CONTROL_PORT If proxy-host is set to tor, this is the control port --tor-control-password TOR_CONTROL_PASSWORD If proxy-host is set to tor, this is the password for the control port --essid [ESSID] Elasticsearch Session ID, use this to differentiate scraping sessions. --userlist USERLIST Userlist from list or file. --retweets Include user's Retweets (Warning: limited). --format FORMAT Custom output format (See wiki for details). --user-full Collect all user information (Use with followers or following only). --profile-full Slow, but effective method of collecting a user's Tweets and RT. --translate Get tweets translated by Google Translate. --translate-dest TRANSLATE_DEST Translate tweet to language (ISO2). --store-pandas STORE_PANDAS Save Tweets in a DataFrame (Pandas) file. --pandas-type [PANDAS_TYPE] Specify HDF5 or Pickle (HDF5 as default) -it [INDEX_TWEETS], --index-tweets [INDEX_TWEETS] Custom Elasticsearch Index name for Tweets. -if [INDEX_FOLLOW], --index-follow [INDEX_FOLLOW] Custom Elasticsearch Index name for Follows. -iu [INDEX_USERS], --index-users [INDEX_USERS] Custom Elasticsearch Index name for Users. --debug Store information in debug logs --resume TWEET_ID Resume from Tweet ID. --videos Display only Tweets with videos. --images Display only Tweets with images. --media Display Tweets with only images or videos. --replies Display replies to a subject. -pc PANDAS_CLEAN, --pandas-clean PANDAS_CLEAN Automatically clean Pandas dataframe at every scrape. -cq CUSTOM_QUERY, --custom-query CUSTOM_QUERY Custom search query. -pt, --popular-tweets Scrape popular tweets instead of recent ones. -sc, --skip-certs Skip certs verification, useful for SSC. -ho, --hide-output Hide output, no tweets will be displayed. -nr, --native-retweets Filter the results for retweets only. --min-likes MIN_LIKES Filter the tweets by minimum number of likes. --min-retweets MIN_RETWEETS Filter the tweets by minimum number of retweets. --min-replies MIN_REPLIES Filter the tweets by minimum number of replies. --links LINKS Include or exclude tweets containing one o more links. If not specified you will get both tweets that might contain links or not. --source SOURCE Filter the tweets for specific source client. --members-list MEMBERS_LIST Filter the tweets sent by users in a given list. -fr, --filter-retweets Exclude retweets from the results. --backoff-exponent BACKOFF_EXPONENT Specify a exponent for the polynomial backoff in case of errors. --min-wait-time MIN_WAIT_TIME specifiy a minimum wait time in case of scraping limit error. This value will be adjusted by twint if the value provided does not satisfy the limits constraints [asuka@evangelion ~]$Berikut contoh penggunaan Twint untuk melihat twit dari user tertentu
twint -u linuxsec_org --following
twint -s linux
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