Creating a Custom Username List Using Username Anarchy

Creating a Custom Username List Using Username Anarchy. This is a brief tutorial on how to generate usernames using Username Anarchy.

During red teaming engagements or penetration testing, one effective method to gain access is by performing a username spraying attack on portals that have login pages. If you don’t have a list of usernames, you can create them by crafting usernames based on a list of names you have previously gathered.
You can obtain the list of names through OSINT sources such as LinkedIn or other social media platforms. From this list, you can craft usernames according to your specific criteria. In this guide, I will not cover how to obtain the list of names, but rather focus on how to create a custom username list based on those names.

In this tutorial, I am using a list of names that are characters from Evangelion.


To use username-anarchy, you can download it directly from GitHub. Follow these steps:

git clone

cd username-anarchy

./username-anarchy -h

Once you have Username Anarchy set up, you can generate a list of usernames using all the available formats with the following command:

./username-anarchy -i evangelion.txt

If you want to use specific username formats, you should first check the list of formats supported by Username Anarchy. You can do this by running the following command:

./username-anarchy -l

Running this command will display a comprehensive list of all the predefined formats that Username Anarchy can use to generate usernames. Reviewing these formats allows you to select the ones that best fit your requirements or to customize them further for your specific use case. 

To utilize a specific username format, you can use the -f flag. For example, if you want to generate usernames in the first.last format, use the following command:

./username-anarchy -i evangelion.txt -f first.last

If you want to generate usernames using only the first name, you can use the first format. Here’s how to do it:

./username-anarchy -i evangelion.txt -f first

For more username formats and other options available in Username Anarchy, please refer to the tool's documentation.

Thank you for reading! I hope this information proves beneficial. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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